Joe Yabuki

矢吹丈, Aniki Assassin, Shinigami
The protagonist of the story. He is known for his long bangs and for always wearing a worn out beige coat and a red flat cap. Not long after birth he found himself in many orphanages and facilities. However he quickly grew tired of the boring life and frequently escaped eventually finding his way to the Doya Town the story takes place in. Joe is rude and quick to fight but he can also be very frivolous at times. Because of his rough upbringing he is a delinquent who likes his solitude but he later grows to appreciate his new friends and rivals. He is not very good at understanding women and essentially only treats them nice out of giri. He is a bantamweight and his specialties include the cross counter and the No Guard stance. He has extraordinary punching strength fortitude and fighting spirit often standing up after taking killer blows and has been known to counter crosscounters a doublecross possessing a raw natural talent for the sport. He has even countered double crosses with a triplecross implying he has highlevel technical abilities. Following his fight with Rikiishi he begins to better develop his guarding. Source: Wikipedia