
姫野, Vomit Girl
Height: 175 cm 59 Devil Contract: Ghost Devilhttps://anilist.co/character/174262/YuureinoAkuma A Public Safety Devil Hunter working under Makimahttps://anilist.co/character/137080/Makima as a member of Tokyo Special Division 4. She is partnered with Aki Hayakawahttps://anilist.co/character/137081/AkiHayakawa. Himeno is shown to be a mature and experienced superior to the new recruits working under her. She generally carries herself with an upbeat body language and is capable of staying calm under extremely stressful situations. Himeno is very efficient and blunt in her duty as a Devil Hunter. Himeno is also shown to be a rather caring and empathetic person however she does have a more stern side and little tolerance for behavior from new recruits that would endanger or harm her subordinates. Himeno also holds an extremely pessimistic worldview as a result of having witnessed multiple partners die suddenly in her line of work. This knowledge that Devil Hunters typically die as a result of their career combined with the teachings of her master eventually lead to her developing a nicotine addiction as a coping mechanism.