
An enigmatic little girl introduced in season two episode 4 and then starts to reappear in season two. Little is known about her except the fact she is not an ordinary human as she can wander freely between the mortal plane and Ais house in the sunset world sometimes interfering with her and her companions job. Her appearance is often accompanied by a lullabylike background music. In stark contrast to Ai Kikuri has completely blue/purple eyes including most of the sclera and her personality is far more childish yet much livelier as she has the tendency to pull pranks than Ais. She has stated that she likes Ai but her actions and use of powers seem to serve causing the greatest amount of suffering and fear possible. It is as yet unknown whether this is due to true malice or not. Occasionally she seems to take delight in acts of lowlevel destruction such as chopping off flowers or destroying anything that Ai cares for. She has shown incredible skills with her loincloth using to catch or hit objects. Despite the fact she appears to wreak havoc on her she takes orders from Ai and Ai alone in one episode she shows this while going to touch Ais grandmothers spinning wheels despite the womans protests.