Retsu Seiba

Birthday:Apr 10
Blood Type:A
Birthday: April 10 Height: 124 cm roughly 41 Weight: 28 kg roughly 62 pounds Hobby: Collecting postcards Hometown: Japan Retsu is one of the two title characters. He is a fifthgrade student who is 11 years old and Gos older brother. Although he is able to control his patience better than his brother he still lets out his annoyance with someone once in a while. Retsu sports a green hat as his trademark. His primary color is red which is the color of his hair eyes gloves shirt and Mini 4WD cars. Together with Go they are known as the Lets Go Brothers Rettsu G Kyoudai. In WGP he is the captain of the TRF Victorys. Cars: Sonic Saber Sonikku Seib Vanguard Sonic Bangdo Sonikku Hurricane Sonic Harikn Sonikku and Buster Sonic Basut Sonikku and Blitzer Sonic Buritts Sonikku. Source: Wikipedia