Shichika Yasuri

Shichika is the current head of the Kyotouryuu style. He was trained rigorously by his father the previous head of the style. He is deeply dedicated to his training and is strong enough to win against challengers without even using Kyotouryuu. Through the years he has even developed new moves for the Kyotouryuu style. He cares deeply for his older sister Nanami who has poor health and often does her chores for her. He is in love with Togame who trusts him because of this fact. Though he says hes in love with her he has no idea how to deal with girls as he shows no sign of arousal around Togame when shes naked and doesnt even realize hes supposed to praise her when she wears new clothes. However this allows Togame to be very open with him which is an advantage to their quest of collecting the twelve deviant swords. He says that he is bad at thinking but he could not be called naive as he is very aware of what is going on around him.