
紫龍, 龍星座の紫龍, Dragon, Shiryu of Dragon, Shiryu de Dragão
Birthday:Oct 4
Out of all five main characters Shiryu is known as the calmest and most collected. His sheer physical strength is the greatest of the bronze saints with perhaps the exception of Phoenix Ikki.This is reflected in his ability to have won numerous battles without his Dragon cloth. Shiryu trained at the Five Old Peaks in China to obtain the bronze cloth of the Dragon constellation and his mentor was none other than senior gold saint Libra Dohko. Shiryu sports a large tattoolike image of a green and white dragon on his back however it is said in the manga and the anime that it is not a tattoo but is connected to his guardian dragon star and only appears as his cosmo is rising. Whenever his life is in danger the tattoolike image begins to fade awayonce it completely vanishes it is a sign that Shiryus cosmos is nearing zeroas in death.