A Review on Gintama: My Heart and Soul 500https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1003798449243824248/1003952806610341989/IMG1499.jpg Gintama means a lot to me since it has changed me as a person. If Im being honest with you when I first heard of Gintama years ago I really didnt want to check it out since it was not as appealing to me the first time I tried it was 2 or 3 years back and I really disliked it. The whole story was just a mess from the 5 episodes or so that I saw. Like filler in the first 2 episodes are you serious? But giving it another shot back in March 2020 I had realised that I was so wrong. The Cast is absolutely brilliant with amazing characters. The Yorozuya Shinsengumi Snack Otose Everyone in Yoshiwara JUST EVERYTHING IS PERFECT. Its so chaotic its brilliant. The cast is one of the best things about Gintama like Sorachi how the hell did you create something so magnificent nearly all of them are loveable saying nearly as some of the characters cough Sadasada go to hell cough. As Im talking about the cast why not a top 5 characters: 1. Sakata Gintoki Silver haired samurai with naturally wavy hair Yorozuya Boss and the main character of the show. 2. Yoshida Shouyo The sensei of the dojo Shouka Sonjuku. 3. Takasugi Shinsuke He simply just wants to destroy. 4. Hijikata Toshiro The demon vicechief of the Shinsengumi and an absolute mayo maniac 5. Zura Zura Janai Katsura Da The Plot in Gintama is actually pretty hard to describe just enjoy all the absolute chaos that goes on in the series. There are many arcs in Gintama which consist of serious and comedy arcs which are all amazing. Gintama is really consistent with bringing out back to back 10/10 arcs and there hasnt been an arc that is actually bad like at all. I dont even think there is my least favourite arc in the series. All of them are just so damn good The Art has incredible improvement like its actually insane. Here is a difference between chapter 1 and chapter 511 450https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1003798449243824248/1003953045681483856/IMG1500.webp I want to just focus this bit on Sakata Gintoki when I first saw Gintama he really caught my attention. From just watching you can tell hes a lazy bum that just wants to read JUMP manga and wants to just relax. He doesnt give a care in the world however he does. He cares about everyone dear to him and he also cares about what is in front of him. A quote for him that I really like is: The country? The Skies? You can have them. Im busy just protecting whats right in front of me. I dont know whatll happen to me in the future but if something has fallen at my feet then the least I can do is pick it up. As he just keeps moving forward. 500https://media0.giphy.com/media/4bpWdr2uqC6pL57Wpz/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611186659167f77f3e609585726f340cda5d7e9e415rid=giphy.gifct=g
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