Warning season 1 spoilers: Idk why you would be reading this if you havent seen season 1 BUT GO WATCH SEASON 1 After watching Megalo box season 1 I didnt think there would be a season 2. season 1 wrapped up so nicely I didnt really feel the need for season 2 but here we are with season 2 and HOLY SHIT Its fucking amazing. Season 2 focuses on the aftermath of season 1. After Joe achieved his goal of becoming a Megalo box champion it seemed like we got a happy ending. Unexpectedly we were completely wrong season 1 ended in the worst way possible. Joe is now a drug addict who is fighting in underground matches after losing his champion title pops is dead team nowhere Is broken up and life just sucks for everyone. 220https://animecorner.me/wpcontent/uploads/2021/05/NomadMegaloBox2JoeinfrontofNowheregymphototakenfromNomadMegaloboxJapanesetwitter.jpg.webp That right there is exactly why I liked season 2 right away. Sports anime tends to focus too much on the sport and can become very repetitive but with Megalo box thats not the case this anime is more than just boxing its about the characters and their development its about fighting for what you care about its about finding a group of people you can call your family and place you can call your home. 220https://cdn.animenewsnetwork.com/thumbnails/fit600x1000/cms/feature/173444/mega03.png.jpg Youre going to meet plenty of new characters this season and all of them are great in their own ways. Many of them are dealing with issues that some of us in real life might be able to relate to. For example Chief Chief is a great character who is similar to Joe in a way. Chief is fighting for his home and family after being discriminated against and told that they will have to leave their home. 220https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/5/435931.jpg I loved Megalo box season 1 because of the aesthetic and the music. The anime gave off 90s anime vibes and the music was so good. Season 2 does not drop in quality when it comes to animation and music everything still looks and sounds great and I love the Spanish ED. https://youtu.be/mVSjYvUizzc If your only here for the sport and wants to know if there are still boxing matches and if theyre still great. The answer to that would be Yes. The fights are still great and you will see like 1 boxing match an episode these boxing matches are animated pretty well. However like I said earlier THIS ANIME IS MORE THAN JUST A BOXING ANIME. Watching Megalo box season 2 felt completely different compared to watching season 1 the tone in this season is much darker and feels much more serious. Which is great because sports anime tend to be shounen and sometime its not really mature or serious which isnt a bad thing its good in its own way. where as this is the complete opposite. Overall I think this season was a great sequel to season 1. The animation and music is still just as good as season 1 maybe a little better in some occasions. I loved how this season was way more serious than season 1. Its crazy to me how little exposure this anime has and how underrated season 1 was.
90 /100
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