Watching this anime all you can think is God I wish that were me. I wish I could live in a dorm surrounded by a loli Not Ram a onee x loli lesbian and an ara ara onee chan her gyaru sister. This is a slice of life anime that once youve watched it youll wonder what you were doing with your life beforehand why werent you watching this because of people like you there is no second season yet. This anime puts a new standard into what a masterpiece is. Characters: 10/10 Lets go over the characters. You got loli class president her character is shes insecure and short. Then you got Not Ram she looks like Ram and is sadistic. I wish they had an anime figure of her I would buy it until then Ill have to buy a figure of Ram and pretend its her. Theres the Onee x Loli girl her shtick is she wants the loli class president. Then you got Miss Sunouharas caretaker shes got big ones god I wish that were me living in that dorm. Later on in the show they introduce another character the Gyaru sister that Im pretty sure is a pedophile. She just wants Sunouharas monster energy. Shes like the one piece of japanese art where the taller girl has the monster energy drink or the GTX 3080TI and is teasing the short young boy with it. God I wish that were me. Story: 10/10 The anime is pretty much a slice of life of a not masculine boy trying to woo Miss Caretaker who you can tell is into shotas. He gets stuck in the dorm that is primarily lived in by women god I wish I was in that situation. They all go to school but we dont see that stuff cause who really cares. We just want to self insert as Sunouhara as he gets into all of his shenanigans. Visuals: 10/10 You got the boy you got the women it is lewd. No nudity cause this is a christian anime. Music: 10/10 idk its music Sound: 10/10 idk its sounds Plot: 10/10 I watch this for the plot. Miss Sunouharas caretaker has the largest plot in the series followed by the sister then Not Ram then pedo girl then the loli. Oh yeah theres also two other girl characters that want Sunouhara when hes at the pool. God I wish that happened to me. Opening: 10/10 I like it. It sounds nice and is pretty catchy. Ending: 10/10 I also like this one. The opening is better though. Lasting Impact: After finishing this anime youll spiral into a depression why isnt there anything as good. I saw a similar anime with a similar plot it had nudity but I dropped it two episodes in cause it wasnt as good as this one. It just couldnt invoke the God I wish that were me feeling that Sunouhara Sou evoked. Afterwards there is also a manga you read that can continue the story I am in the process of reading it but the anime is much preferred for its animation. Watch this and every single time you go God I wish that were me take a shot. Youll probably overdose.
100 /100
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