Time loop stories are no easy type to write and most of the times they leave viewers unsatisfied. Its extremely hard to execute such tale well that would leave little to no complaints. To my eyes however Summer Time Rendering has managed to provide and enjoyable experience from start to finish that I would gladly return to in the recent future. Let us embark on a journey to Hitogashima where various secrets lie beneath that will change the person striving to render for a new tomorrow. Characters are important factors in a story and its mostly due to them that we keep enjoying a tale. If they are not interested or engaging in are eyes then we as viewers would have less incentive to keep following them but if the opposite happens then we gladly continue observe their every move and get invested in their fate. Shinpei is the protagonist of the story whose most important trait is that he is very smart and learns from mistakes while also implementing new ideas based on various experiences and its this trait of his along kindness that makes audience sympathize and root for him. Ushio who is a friend of Shinpei and one whose story strongly revolves around is also a force that makes people want to keep watching due to her funny personality and chemistry that she has with Shinpei and the rest of the cast. The opposite could be said about antagonistic forces who are very smart and cunning which makes their tackles with protagonist that much more interesting to follow and the way in which Shinpei and co try to overcome those obstacles combined with bonds that they build is what is so appealing. Story is part where people opinions would mostly differ and it depends on the mindset that you put while watching the show. Given its premise and what has been established throughout there are a lot of ideas that the author uses later on that were placed from the start and carefully introduced and expands various concepts to keep things fresh and interesting to follow. While the mystery aspect is one of the driving elements that initially dragged many into the show there is another element that makes each episode that much more intriguing and its the psychological aspect that both the protagonist and the antagonist share which makes their encounters so great in the first place. Usually one force would overcome the other through sheer power difference and there would be no way for the other to even touch the opponent but once mind comes to play many various doors appear to open with different ways to tackle opponent however opening these doors alone and finding key is not enough when an enemy adapts so quickly to the protagonist and outwits them in a way that most of the times doesnt feel cheap but its something that is a logical conclusion based upon the evidence that was brought before and the way to beat it has also been there. While I should not be mentioning a release model In a review due to the way we experience medium in a different way but I believe that those elements that I mentioned heavily shine once watched on a weekly basis because a mystery series heavily relies on clues thinking so having time to slowly process that is an important element. Animation is an aspect that is the most appealing to many people and seeing various clips would convince one to take a chance with a series and while Summer Time Rendering does have its share of impressive episodes what I have to say is the consistency in drawings throughout consecutive 2 cour was maintained and neither felt way off or distracted from experience. When it was necessary to have dynamic movement and camera the staff and freelancers brought thanks to connections managed to pull it off in spectacular way which added this fantasy element that sure was present from the beginning but added this new flavor to it. There were also cases of subtle character animation that is slowly fading away as time goes on but is aspect that brings character to life through expressions movement and subtle elements that combined could add to the immersion too. The OST while feeling out of place at times for the most part was an integral part of the story that set the mood correctly depending on the circumstances sometimes delivering intense music with choir and vocal while in others a calm and soothing type like the sound of waves crashing on the surface. I had a very good time watching this series partially due to being an anime only but other that I was heavily invested in the characters and story presented. Each episode made me want to see more and left me with various thoughts that I could use in order to figure stuff out and it this weekly experience is what in my eyes made this such a memorable show. All of these aspects mentioned above combined into something that was no doubt worth the time investing into even if it took months to get it done but even so the hours spend on watching and bonding with these characters were certainly not for naught and Im sure that those feelings that I had throughout be it sad or happy will remain in me for years ahead. Those 3 days were short but felt like an eternity. The presence of time depends on how you how you love it and with whom you live it. The memories and bonds you share with others will make the dullest day one of the brightest ones. Though we may never experience something as unnatural as this story what we could get from it is a lesson to be remembered. It may have been a dream and it may soon fade into nothingness but Im sure that even in parts of a puzzle they would remain in your heart and shape you into a better person but whatever you shall do with this memory and will you toss it away or not depends only on you alone.
100 /100
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