Ill just say I really love this show not because its CGDCT which I do tend to enjoy them. Though I dont enjoy them all it needs to at least have characters I enjoyed. And with Stardust Telepathy it was a sweet anime with 4 interesting girls and at times their teacher whos supportive of them. The setup and storyline is pretty simple a girl who longs to meet Aliens and go to outer space. I kept joking the first time I saw the first episode shes like introvert version of Haruhi Suzumiya. Its not like the most interesting premise or set up but hey as a Haruhi fan I approve. Also I guess some yuri stuff going on here and there as well. Dont worry just forehead play and I mean that literally. Umika dream of going to outer space is what sets up the story going forward. With her longing for Aliens we get this random and mysterious girl named Yuu who as far as we know is a Alien. As far as I know Umika probably has some kind of power like Haruhi where she longed for Alien and managed to create one. The only difference is that she actually believers her. With her new Alien sidekick next to her she eventually befriends other girls especially our other two main girls Haruno and Raimon. With all them together they eventually form their research club for studying and creating rockets. Dreams There are some who have dreams and goals that they want to accomplish and draws others in. And there are those who dont have any of their own but will make others dreams their own. And by which I mean by helping someone else accomplish their dreams/goals. Just because it isnt yours doesnt mean you cant be happy to see that person succeed. We have Umika and Raimon who both are two people on opposite side of the same coin. They are so similar but yet so different. Umika Ill just say I dont exactly love the introvert type of characters but I do love those that wants to improve. Umika is a person whos really selfaware of her flaws and wants to get better. Even if you arent the most capable leader if you have a dream and be willing to adventure into the unknown of what the future holds... and having those who will support you there is no greater feeling. A leader isnt someone who has everything figured out and always the greatest but they are the one whos found a path they want to walk and be wiling to pave the way for others. Even if its lonely since being a leader means you see whats ahead and no one might be in front of you... but having the confidence of those behind you is a wonderful feeling to have. Sorry a little rant here lol Raimon Probably the most misunderstood character. I get she has the whole Tsundere trope along with just seem like a jerk. But I honestly have no issue with the way she is portrayed. She is more of a cynical person then anything else. This is to do more with her past. And she is really blunt with her words that have hurt others. Shes also someone who wears their heart on their sleeve. But at the same time hides her insecurities deep within. I feel like she gets too much hate yes given she is pretty mean at times. And thats not a excuse to be a total jerk. But we can understand how she feels to be hated in the past for the things she loved. Its hard to just trust 3 random other girls who claims to enjoy something you love but go at it half hearted. I dont blame her for being upset when you want to try your best but the others are okay with just participation trophy. Seriously its the dumbest thing Ive ever heard off... Anyways I think this was a nice change of past to have a more realistic character. Friendship is always just sunshine and happiness and that we can overcome our hardship with a few words. Its like building a rocket it takes trails and errors. With friends its the same thing we will hurt them and be hurt by them. So in defense of her I thought she was a well written character and I personally enjoy her. Haruno The type of people whos more of the happy go lucky but deep down is really insecure. She puts on this mask that hides how she truly feels afraid to lose anyone. Her relationship she builds all seems shallow and hollow. But despite all that she seems like someone who truly wants to build genuine relationship. Something like how Hachiman wanted too something genuine or real. She is more of the friend in the group who tries to keep the peace. The one whos willing to gather everyone but never the one to lead. This is to do more with her own insecurity that was brought up. I like her personality but I think she shines best when shes with Raimon. Yuu Last but not least we have our own Alien. She is really that one person who truly just loves others and its the exact opposite of our main girl. She is everything Umika wishes to be outgoing and friendly. Someone who can converse with others with no problem at all. Despite her outgoing personality and friendliness we have this girl who longs to go home. To wherever that is wherever she came from... we dont know... unless we get season 2 or read the manga. Theres not much to say about her. I dont mean shes bad or anything shes just your upbeat and fun to have in the group character. Someone who can bring a smile to others. We shall see where this story will go is Yuu a real Alien or not. Will they eventually reach outer space? And with the final episode concluding at the LIGHTHOUSE we see when these two are together the lighthouse finally started to shine again which we know its power by Yuu. And you know what lighthouse does? It guides ships to avoid collapsing into rocks. And I think thats the perfect example of this anime... they are trying to reach a almost impossible dream. But with each rocks its like stepping stone. We must take small steps and set some small goals to eventually achieve our bigger dream. Sometimes you want to just take a shortcut and reach the goal but life isnt like that. It takes small goals and steps which can be days months or years to accomplished. And some dreams are like ships that failed and sank... But we have some ships that does eventually reach their destination and are rewarded... Speaking of ships... Seems like one set sail at the end of the series lol jk Is Stardust truly a 100/100? Probably not but this is base on a score of personal enjoyment. I know other characters who were portrayed as a introvert done in a way thats more enjoyed by the mass majority Bocchi the rock. But regardless of what others say or think... I personally loved this show from start to finish. And with that I wish you have a wonderful Holiday since as writing this it is currently Christmas
100 /100
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