Originally Reviewed on Serializd If there is any video game series out there that has definitely been milked beyond the point of death when it comes to how many adaptations can be pumped out for it it has got to be Resident Evil. Aside from all of the games that have been released for the series ever since 1996 there have been plenty of films TV shows novels comics and even stage plays made based on the series with these products still being relatively made and released all the way to this day. It only makes sense seeing as how Resident Evil is one of the biggest franchises Capcom has ever made and as such they would want to expand upon it into many other mediums but there is a certain problem with that: from what I have heard none of them are any good. I cant say how good any of them are cause I havent seen any of them and Im not sure about the novels of plays but in terms of the movies and TV shows I have heard nothing but bad things about them and yet they still keep being made because they make the big bucks. I have been curious about them for some time so I decided I should probably finally check some of these things out starting with probably one of the most random choices I can think of Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness. For those that are unaware this is a CGI anime miniseries that was made on Netflix back in 2021 and believe it or not its actually not the first time the series has been brought into the world of animation. Ever since 2000 there have been several animated films made based on the series with these also still being made to this day and while one or two of them have pretty good scores most of them are also just as negatively received as the main liveaction films and shows. I remember seeing this show teased back around early 2021 and from what I saw I definitely thought it looked cool and weird but not anything that I would want to drop everything that I was doing to check out even if I am a big fan of Resident Evil. That was probably the best decision that I couldve made though because now that I have sat down and actually watched it it is as one of the reviewers on this website has already said a nothing sandwich. It was ok as a whole with there being some admirable qualities that I could get behind along with the potential here for something pretty spectacular but not only are there plenty of problems holding it back but there it is also lacking in plenty of areas to where I wouldnt say that you need to check it out immediately. The story is pretty basic typical stuff that we have seen before both in Resident Evil and other things not really providing any new or exciting developments for the series and instead just feels like a filler episode in the big show that is the Resident Evil franchise the characters are mostly just whatever with Leon and Claire being good as always and they usually get the best moments throughout the whole show but everyone else is either completely forgettable or incredibly generic nothing worth really giving a damn about the voice acting is also standard featuring plenty of good performances for each of the characters but they arent given anything too interesting to say or do making it also feel completely forgettable the animation is... weird with the design of everything looking really great but the way that the characters move around can be pretty janky and awkward at times coupled with the soulless expressions they carry throughout the whole show the dialogue is incredibly cutanddry being the same shit we have heard time and time again from plenty of other things with no flair or spice added to make it anymore exciting the action scenes when they happen are good enough but not quite as exciting or adrenaline pumping as they should be and for a series that revolves entirely around zombies there are barely any zombies throughout this whole thing which is quite a shame. Most of what I just mentioned isnt stuff that is worth necessarily getting too mad about but it is moreso just very bland and generic. Much of what is going on in this show has already been done many different times before not just in Resident Evil but also in plenty of other zombierelated media and aside from the style of animation used here there is nothing this series does to make itself stand out from all the others. That doesnt mean that its bad though as it is a fine enough miniseries that you can get through in an hour and a half giving you the typical storyline you would expect with some fun and unexpected moments so if you are into that sort of stuff then you could probably really get into this whether you are a Resident Evil fan or otherwise. Thats also not to say that it isnt without flaws either because there are some that can be seen here past the blandness such as the fact that for being one of the main characters of not just the show but also Resident Evil as a whole Claire Redfield doesnt really do anything in this whole show. For the first three episodes she is primarily pushed to the sidelines doing research on what is going on which ultimately goes nowhere and then in Episode 4 she is brought into the main conflict but she also barely does anything here either to the point where you wonder why she was even included here in the first place. Most of the show is more focused on whatever Leon is doing as well as all of the characters surrounding him and his mission and while I wouldnt want them to give him less attention then needed it wouldve been nice to see Claire actually you know DOING THINGS to help out maybe joining Leon on his mission or following them along while doing her report. I dunno just SOMETHING so that she doesnt feel like a background character most of the time. Overall despite some fun moments here or there and sticking closely to its source material this is a pretty cut and dry series as a whole offering nothing new or exciting to see for both fans of zombie movies/shows and for those who are Resident Evil fans providing a typical journey with nothing more added onto it. I would recommend it for those who are big zombie fans or for those who are also big fans of the video games but for everyone else there are plenty of other better options out there you can choose from and for those that do want to watch it because you are a fan of those things I just mentioned dont go in with high hopes because there isnt too much here to get excited about. But anyway now that I have finally covered something from Resident Evil outside of the main games that means I am gonna have to check out all of the other movies and TV shows at some point wont I? Oh boy thats gonna be SO MUCH FUN............ whenever I get to that in five years. That should be enough time to prepare myself for that garbage.
50 /100
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