Having not read the original manga or knowing anything related to this show whatsoever prior to my first viewing I didnt really know what to expect from Kids on the Slope. Aside from its allegedly astounding musical elements I came into this show blind thinking it was going to be just another typical ComingofAge sort of anime that wasnt going to be anything special. Technically I wasnt wrong about the genre but let me tell ya: Ive never been so damn happy finding out about some random show ever in my entire life. Warning: may have very minor spoilers Summary at the bottom. 400https://www.animeplanet.com/images/anime/covers/kidsontheslope4649.jpg?t=1405704959 Kids on the Slope is a story about...love. Depending on your initial thought your personal definition of the word love when its first heard it doesnt quite matter since it covers all of which you could think of 8 typeshttps://lonerwolf.com/differenttypesoflove/ in theory to be specific though theres likely more than that. Its less of a story about reaching adulthood and more of finding oneself during the journey towards it and that could mean a lot of things. In terms of what this show features theres discovering your place in the world your purpose what you live for and what you value. Its a matter of finding out all of these things for yourself and whether or not you allow others to decide for you. Back on the topic of love this show mainly deals with the basic three: family friendship and romance though it refers to others much more subtly. Moreover youd find that theres a love thats forbidden a love thats unknown and a love thats waiting ever so desperately. Of course what this show is most wellknown for is the commonlyshared prominent love for music. Not just any music: jazz a genre known for being impossible to define despite its unmistakable quirks. Kids on the Slope manages to find itself within that range of indefinability I think thats a word where its just plain difficult to fully summarize what this show is really about. Youve sort of got to feel it for yourself or to put a complex subject a tad bit simply: If you have to ask what jazz is youll never know. Louis Armstrong 800https://78.media.tumblr.com/a0f3ebae205267cf4a788738951b3a3d/tumblrn0sqy0IEZd1s0c1pdo1500.gif Thats the magic the natural appeal of the indescribable. If I had to define it: Kids on the Slope is a harmonic nostalgic joyride through the journey of life love and all that comes with it. It gives off a powerful expression that some emotions cannot be spoken with words though an outlet through music can speak much clearer. Every musical piece and performance serves its own purpose whether its intent is an attempt to break to harmonize or to declare ones bonds and no bond in this show is ever created without reason. I mean...do I really have to repeat what the reason is? Its an excessively common yet incredibly effective theme that a boatload of anime manage to miss its point. Actually it transcends beyond anime and well into film music and other forms of entertainment found all around the world love whatever kind is not so easy to portray accurately. The bonds created between Kids on the Slopes many characters dont just relate to love for one another or love for anyone in general. Its a kind of love that becomes a mutual respect given for whatever reason they may have. And while all these characters develop these kind of feelings for each other one way or another they hide it preferring to keep to themselves. Thats one thing I especially love about cast of Kids on the Slope: their authenticity. 375https://pa1.narvii.com/6097/599ced80912e54c871967877f9dd8b7d23118f7ahq.gif 350https://anigamers.com/media/entryuploads/RitsukoKaoruSentaro240812205144.jpg Obviously people dont exactly enjoy feeling vulnerable. We dont like uneasiness with ourselves and we hesitate to show these emotions to others despite it being a possible relief to our burdens. Kids on the Slope absolutely nails the mark with the how their entire cast was written and I unknowingly found myself engaged in the stories of what would usually be mere side characters in a typical anime. Theres a subtle yet deep inner turmoil that develops and lingers within each of these characters. They all have their own sets of issues to worry about and while from an outer perspective some may seem much more serious than others: when its your problem its huge isnt it? Well thats enough of the shows story characters and themes for now. I think Ive gotten the point across the Kids on the Slope is much much more than a typical ComingofAge sort of anime as I said in the intro. Now Ill delve into the shows technical aspects. Ill let these GIFs speak for themselves... 350https://i.ur.com/Fj6LhWU.gif?1 350https://i.ur.com/ilVKKAG.gif 375http://25.media.tumblr.com/c0ec515264ad573cafa7159c1d2e777c/tumblrmu0yl7JRho1qg78wpo1500.gif 350https://i.pin.com/originals/7b/68/2a/7b682ae1afbe320f74acfd8d0a4a50c5.gif Its rare for an anime these days to pay such close attention to detail where many shows have an abundance of scenes composed of mere a camera slide to give the illusion of movement. Kids in the Slope however does not buy into that nonsense. Not at all. In fact whats rare in this show is to find a shot where everything is completely still. And even if you do manage find a shot like that its always to give effect to the underlying mood and establish atmosphere. This is what good no great direction and animation looks like. There are plenty of moments within this show where I was completely absorbed not only by means of its narrative and character complexity but also through its absolutely stunning cinematography. Shinichir Watanabe is famous for a reason. While hes a big name in the medium theres also someone else heavily admired for their skill and excellence within their field: Yoko Kanno who has composed for various shows such as Cowboy Bebop Terror in Resonance GiTS: Stand Alone Complex and of course Kids on the Slope. The musical score she produced for this show is one of the best Ive ever heard and Ive watched Cowboy Bebop for goodness sake. Of course she is not the only one to be credited for such an amazing soundtrack: theres the musicians as well with the drums piano trumpet bass sax and everything else. From their brilliant renditions of 50s and 60s classics such as Moanin by Art Blakey the Jazz Messengers and Lullaby of Birdland performed by numerous iconic artists including Ella Fitzgerald to their melodious background instrumentals and seemingly effortless improvisations they made the OST a masterpiece in its own right. Through the power of music alone acclaimed by jazzlovers and nonjazz lovers alike Kids on the Slope reveals how absent words can create abundant expression all by acting as a bridge rather than a barrier. 250https://m.mediaamazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTMwNDllOTMtNDAwZi00NGZkLThiNWMtMTMyODE2ZWY0NjZkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDgyODgxNjE.V1.jpg 250http://i.ur.com/QalGE.jpg 250https://i.yt.com/vi/Mcws5y0yQBw/maxresdefault.jpg Summary / Final Verdict Kids on the Slope is the absolute pinnacle of the Drama/Music genre packed with exemplary storytelling characterwork and direction within a unique deftly handled narrative of life love and everything in between. Driven by a superb cast their stories are engagingly told as the threads of their bonds tangle yet reverse into tune throughout their journeys. On top of intricate animation and impressive cinematography the series is perfected with its electrifying 5060s jazz performances that ooze style and with each piece serving its own distinct purpose with lingering everchanging emotions spoken through the sounds of music together they forge an inimitable masterpiece and a timeless stonecold classic. 800http://theeightysixthfloor.com/wpcontent/uploads/2013/02/kidsontheslope750x400.jpg Since it managed to raise the bar for virtually everything that I will ever watch in the future Kids on the Slope undoubtedly deserves a full 10/10 Legendary rating. This is the definition of class. 10/10 LEGENDARY === PRIME RECOMMENDATION === Kids on the Slope is a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED anime especially if you liked... 100https://cdn.anilist.co//dir/anime/reg/57.jpg https://anilist.co/anime/57/BeckMongolianChopSquad/ 92https://myanimelist.cdndena.com/images/anime/6/72445l.jpg https://anilist.co/anime/20912/SoundEuphonium/ 99https://cdn.anilist.co//dir/anime/reg/18245.jpg https://anilist.co/anime/18245/WhiteAlbum2/ 103https://myanimelist.cdndena.com/images/anime/2/77907l.jpg https://anilist.co/anime/20972/ShowaGenrokuRakugoShinju/ 107https://cdn.anilist.co//dir/anime/reg/877.jpg https://anilist.co/anime/877/Nana/
100 /100
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