This is a review based on my own opinon of the Future Diaries Mirai Nikki anime. If you agree or disagree with the review and opinions below please message me or start a thread. I would love to hear all viewpoints and what you liked or didnt like about the OVA or show as a whole. In my full and honest opinion from what I got from this show is that as we are following the protagonists of the show. We start to see them fall from grace and turn bad. Before the OVA Lets start with Yuki: In the beginning all the diary users they must defeat are murders terrorists cult leaders and genuine sociopaths. But as the show goes on the people Yuki and Yuno battle are relatable people who are not an antagonist. A cop who wants to bring his son back and even a poor pacifist old lady who just takes care of orphans. But Yuki under the belief that he can just bring everyone back after he kills them gains the courage to kill even more passive and innocent diary users. His ignorance and arrogance gets to the point where he mows down his friends who arent even trying to kill him and warn him about Yuno. 500 Now on to Yuno: She is the true antagonist of this show starting off as the generic crazy girlfriend type before we learn her backstory and discover that she truly is the victim of unfortunate circumstance. While a victim the actions she takes from suffering cross the boundaries of what is ok and out of line as her madness and selfishness boil over fearing loosing Yuki again. 500 As the show goes on it becomes difficult to identify who the protagonist is and not really providing an easy answer for the who is the enemy. While at the end Yuno and Yuki were able to somewhat redeem themselves or at least face up to their mistakes both have committed sins and atrocities that deserve punishment which I felt the end of Future Diaries gave them. Yuki is forever banished to live with his actions and face the consequences of what he has done with Yuno will forget all that has happened and in a way be reborn with the old Yuno dying while her alternate self will live a normal life. The Impact the OVA has on the story This OVA seeks to change the end and give Yuno and Yuki a more happy ending with them able to reunite finally and while some may enjoy this end it cant help but feel my stomach twist and turn doing this special. Yuki does not deserve a happy ending and Yuno doesnt either there actions are not noble and the journey to get to each other with covered with mistakes and actions of a villain. The actions taken in the back of their minds were justified a means to a greater good. In fact if in the same circumstance many of us may have taken the same actions they did. Thats what was great about the show it made you think: How far would I go to save a friend? A family member? A lover? Thats what was so interesting terrifying about the show is how it made you realize how far you would go make you wonder if I saw what I had to do to get back the one I love could I live with myself or look at myself the same? 500 I relate this show a lot to the Joker movie specifically the character Arthur Fleck. Without going into to much detail or spoilers Arthur is a character that while the focus of the movie is not a hero. We see his life we understand his actions we know it is not his fault where he is and so we do not cheer to see the rise of Joker but cry at the fall of Arthur. Much like the show we are not watching the rise of Yuki to be reunited with his lover we are watching the fall of an innocent boy who lost his way due to terrible circumstance. 500 Technicals On the production side: this OVA does not dip in animation character writing music or anything else we are use to in the Future Diaries series so if you are worried about an OVA that doesnt match the quality of the original show have no fear it feels like an episode straight out the anime. Final Thoughts The main show isnt a great anime nor is it one I say is bad and I regret watching but this OVA to me destroyed the core message and tone of what the show led to changing the ending from a bitter sweet end of the death game with no true winner to a victory for two characters who frankly did not deserve the win. It is because of this that I personally did not enjoy this OVA. If you like the ending to the OVA that is totally fine. From what Ive seen a lot of people seemed to really enjoy this OVA and ending it brought. I just wanted to provide a different perspective to what someone got out of the Future Diaries OVA.
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