Ryou Sumiyoshi

墨佳遼, Ryou Suzuri, 硯遼
Hometown:Tohoku Region, Japan
Official Websitehttps://kaikigadou.kilo.jp/ Pixivhttps://www.pixiv.net/en/users/26720820 l Bloghttps://smys0201.blog.fc2.com/ Born in Tohoku grew up in Kanto currently resides in Nara. After graduating from Game Graphic College in 2007 she got a job with Capcom Co. Ltd. where she was responsible mainly for modelling as a 3D modeler. Went freelance in 2015. Currently drawing illustrations and manga mainly for solo and group exhibitions. It was confirmed during her presence at a book fair in France Fte du livre du Var and with the pronouns used in the French edition of Jinba that Sumiyoshi is a woman contrary to assumptions that were made based on her profile picture.