Welcome to my profile I guess. Like many of you I watch anime and like some of you I read a bit of manga. My profile picture and the Bio youre reading right now may not be as fancy as some peoples and I dont have a zillion reviews Ive written under the name of deep analysis that can barely pass the character limit of the site. by the way Im not trying to pick on anyone specific but sometimes I come across such people and they bring a smile on my face. I try to rate every piece of content I watch unless its a 12 episode OVA or a few minute short film. As youll notice I use decimal scoring for works with a score of 5 and above specifically x.3 and x.7 while below 5 I use whole numbers. When it comes to reviewing I believe it is a very diverse thing with some users focusing on the themes presented in the work while others delve into more technical aspects. Of course this depends on the work being reviewed and the length of the review. Some may include images and videos to support their opinions whereas I prefer a more traditional approach. First a summary of the series then the story and characters then the scenes then the technical parts then the conclusion and so on and so forth. There are some things I will write as a heading at the beginning of my review not in the title you will understand when you open it. These descriptions kind of reveal the type of review you will read. Let me talk a little bit about it: Quick Thoughts: These are likely to be my shorter reviews that go over the character limit and stay there. I estimate a maximum of 4000 characters Also these Quick Thoughts may resemble impromptu YouTube commentaries that I will post shortly after completing a series or movie rather than a actual review. My actual reviews are these ones: Pocket reviews: Its the shortest type of actual reviews where the review structure I described a few paragraphs ago applies so it differs from Quick Thoughts. I think there will be a lot of them especially for series or seasons that have already been finished for a considerable amount of time. The length and level of detail will be close to the majority of other peoples reviews on Anilist. These texts will mostly exceed 3000 characters with an upper limit of 7000. Standard Reviews: This will probably be my most common type of review. Its just a longer version of Pocket Review with probably have more detail nothing special about it. The numbers Im going to tell you now may sound a bit random but the minimum limit of 7000 and maximum 15000 characters I set for these standard reviews seems satisfying for some reason. Detailed Reviews: No shit these are 15000+ character reviews. Nevertheless they dont need to discussing that series in question topic by topic character by character or contain deep analysis. My guess is that most of them will consist of text that I started by writing a standard review eventually passed the character count I mentioned and qualified to be detailed. I dont think these real reviews will come right after the series ends or after I finish it. There will probably be delays of a few days. If I still havent completed it two weeks after its finished Ill probably cancel it altogether. Well I guess that covers everything. Browse my list read my reviews as you like. You can also comment/message me about anything Im quite active here and of course you can follow me if you like I cant guarantee a refollow though.

Genre Overview

197 Entries
130 Entries
128 Entries
118 Entries
Slice of Life
106 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
